Monday, March 10, 2025

Mahajani Panchayat System In MARWAR

Mahajani Panchayat system has been functioning since centuries in Marwar. These were an integral part of the local self-governments of Villages and towns.

The Mahajan Panchayat of Merta comprising of All the Adult members of Maheshwari And Agarwala Vaishya of A region besides other functions, leeked After the management of religious Affairs pertaining to the recitation of the Katha, Varta, Garudupwana for the benefit of the members of the Above Vaishya Castes.

Whenever Any dispute Arose regarding the right of Katha-recitition in A Mahajni temple, the Mahajani Panchayat settled the dispute. After the death of Maharaja Jaswant Singh I of Jodhpur, Aurangzeb had Anneard Marwar And Appointed Muslim officials All over Marwar.

At that time in Merta A dispute regarding the Kathe right Arose between the Dahima And Pareek Katho Vjar. The matter was taken over to the Mahajani Panchayat which decided the claims of the Katha dispute. [1]

However, it seems that the king Acted As the highest court of Appeal And At times the matter in disputes was referred for preliminary enquiry to the Mahajan Panchayat.

The terms of reference were specifically laid down on paperAnd the Panchayat was ordered to carry the investigation And do the needful. The procedure Adopted by the Panchayat in such cases was that of A judical court And the decision was given After giving full opportunity to both the parties to represent their cases.

On perusal of A letter written in Samwat 1827, Sawan Sub Dooj from the Mahajan Panchayat of Merta City to Singhviji Shri Dheerajmalji Jodhpur, throws Ample light on the Panchayat its procedure And its functions in the 18th century Marwar. The letter under reference is in the private collection of Vyas Lokmani family of Merta. A full text of it is reproduced below-

श्री परमेश्वरजी सत्य छै

सिद्धि श्री जोधपुर गढ महा दुरंगे सरब ओंपमां विराजमां लायक सिंघवीजी श्रीधीरज मलजी चरणकवलायनु मेड़ता श्री महाजन महेसरी अगरवाला समसत लीखतें मुजरौ अवधार, जयोजी अठै का समाचार श्री चंत्रभुजजी की कीरपा सुं नै आपकी म्हैरवानगी सुं भला छै जी आपका सदा आरोग्य चाहीजै जी आप बड़ा छो सदा म्हैरवांनगी रखावसो जी

अपरंच कागद अेक सीधवीजी श्री फतेचन्दजी को आयो संवत 1826 का मिती पो सुद 1 को लीखीयो तीन मांहे लीखीयो छो व्यास जनारजन कनै सु इषाँ दौनां री हकीकत सुरणनै कागत लीखत 4 देखने वाजदी कर हुकम छै सु महाजन समस्त म्हेसरी अगरवाला श्री चत्रभुजजी रै देहुरै मेला होय नै दोनां व्यासा नै बुलाय नै कागद बचाय नै पूछियो

व्यांस जगरुप नै कह्यो यहां कनै कागद लीखत 4 श्री हजूर मैं मालम कीनां सु लावो सु लीखत देखने यहां कनै समझाय देवां तरां व्यास जगरुप लीखत 2 दायवां व्यासां रा दीखाया तराँ माहाजनां कह्यो लीखत 2 फेर लाबो तरां जगरुप कह्यो लीखत क व्यास जगजीवरण जगरुप लोकमण रा नांव रो थो सुनकली थी थो सो मैं फाड़ नाखियो नै चोथो लीखत तो मो कनै कोई नहीं ईतरा समाचार जगरुप पंचा कनै कहा तरां पंचा कह्यो लीखत 4 श्री सीधवीजी रा कागद मैं थे लीखाय

लाया सुं दीखावो सु समझाय देवां तरां जगरुप कह्यो लीखत 2 मो कन दायवां व्यासां रा था सुं दीखाया ने नकली धी लीखत मो कनै थो सु मैं फाड़ नाखियों तरां पंचा कही हमें थे दोनू ही व्यास म्हाने लीखत कर देवो म्हाने पंच समझावै सू कबूल है तिणा पर म्हे थांने समझाय देवां तरां व्यास जनारजन तो कह्यो हूं लीखत कर देसूरौं नै जगरुप कह्यो हूं तो लीखत कोई कर देवू नहीं तरां माहाजन सारा देहुरा मांहे सू। उठ आय नै हकीकत हूई जीतरी आपनै लीख मेली छै बी सु आप मालम कर दीराव सो जी संवत 1827 रा सावरण सुद 2.[2]

The main contents of the Above letter reveal that whenever Any dispute came up before the mahajan Panchayat both the complainant And the defendant were summoned to the Panchayat. The proceedings of the Panchayat were held in open, generally in A temple. Both the parties were in brief Asked to furnish information About their contentions. Then the Panchayat recorded oral And documentary evidences in the case. If the Panchayat thought it fit to Arbiter in the case, the parties were Asked t oAgree in writing to refer the case to Arbitration. The decision of the Panchayat was binding on both the parties.[3]

[1] Hakikat; Lokmani Vyas Poper Basta No. 1, B. V. M. Shodh Pratisthan Bikaner.

[2] उपरोक्त विवरण में कहीं भी अद्वविराम, पूर्ण विराम अथवा पैराग्राफ विभाजन नहीं दिया गया है।

[3] Satya Narayan Pareek, Procedure Of Mahajani Panchayat In 18th Century Marwar.

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